Creamy, natural skin tones -

As an educator the biggest struggle I see students have or the most common Q I hear is "How can i get those beautiful skin tones??"

The reason why it does not feel super attainable at times is you do not have the entire recipe. It is not just editing, or certain presets.... or even those wonderful brushes... no it is a whole recipe and you are missing some key pieces. Lighting, camera settings, wardrobe and so much more play a vital role in the "nailing skin tones" process.

In this mini course I go over every step that leads to natural, creamy and beautiful skin tones.

What is in the course?

  • A PDF walk through covering all that goes into Skin Tones - I am narrating the PDF and explaining in depth how to achieve the look/ skin tones you have always wanted from SOOC to final edit.
  • 3 full length editing videos focusing on LR tools/panels to achieve dreamy skin tones. Finishing touches in PS and I show my portraiture settings and a portraiture "dupe" to achieve that creamy look WITHOUT PS.
  • A full video on ethnic skin tones- keeping the color true to life
  • A brush set just for skin tones (a compilation of all of my favorite skin brushes in my former sets as well as a few never released before)


One of the biggest keys to pretty skin tones- lighting! This course covers how to capture lighting correctly to ensure sharp images and flawless skin tones.

All Skin Tones

In this course I cover how to maintain stunning skin tones of all shades, and ethnicities. Your clients want their skin to be TRUE TO TONE and I want to help you achieve that to offer your clients the very best.

The Tools you Need-

Not only do I show you HOW to nail perfect skin tones- but I provide you tools to do so. I provide skin brushes and link all other tools I use.

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Trust me, you deserve it